How to Use Your Dropout Adjusters

How to Use Your Dropout Adjusters

The Stromm track frame includes small screws to adjust your dropout lengths and help aid in properly setting up the rear wheel and chain. Since they have to be small, it's important to use them as intended to avoid any damage - so how do we recommend using them?

Dropout Adjuster Purpose

The dropout adjusters are meant to position the wheel axle during axle nut installation, so that you can concentrate on tightening the axle nuts, rather than on holding the wheel in place.  They're not meant to actually take any significant chain tension, or to provide significant force against the axle.  They're just little guys, so please be nice!

How to Install/Replace:

So what does "be nice" mean?  How can you avoid torturing your poor dropout adjusters, or replace them if shipping isn't kind? Here's our recommended method.  Start from Step 1 if you're replacing a bent guy, and Step 5 if you're just looking to use the adjuster normally:

  1. If you're replacing a bent screw, first remove it from the frame by fully unscrewing it with the thumb adjuster.  Back that little guy ALLLLL the way out, making sure nothing drops somewhere where it'll get lost: 
  2. Now you can remove the bent screw from the round end cap that braces against the wheel axle, like so: 
  3. Reassemble the new dropout adjuster screw by hand-tightening it into the round end cap, like so.  You need just enough tension for the screw and end cap to stay together, so no need to go nuts:
  4. Now pop the end cap-screw assembly back into your bike:
  5. To use the tensioner or complete installation of a new one, now place the wheel into the dropout, gently resting against the end cap of the adjuster, and place the chain over the gears.  The chain should be loose, not under tension.

  6. Now gently adjust the dropout screws by twisting the knurled knob by hand, until there is very light chain tension - the best way to avoid going too far is to make sure the chain still has a little droop to it. Aside from being good for the adjuster screws, this is also the most efficient amount of tension for the chain, so it makes you fast too. Make sure the dropout adjuster is at the same setting on each side to align the wheel properly. 
  7. Now carefully tighten the wheel axle nuts to take the force of your strong, impressive, incredibly aesthetic legs away from the purview of the innocent little adjuster screws - you've been training so hard, these little guys just can't handle it. Congratulations, you've got your wheel installed and properly adjusted!

  8. Now the most important step, admire your properly set-up Stromm, and go take it for a ride!
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